IMG_5442Today I am sharing my favorite flea markets and thrift stores around Southern California! (And I included a couple from the San Francisco Bay Area too since I used to live there.) People always ask me where I find all this fabulous jewelry. I have been in the Los Angeles area for 4 1/2 years and there’s a good flea market every weekend, within easy driving distance. I used to think the Rose Bowl was the best flea market. Don’t get me wrong – it’s great, but it’s big and for me, requires a whole day. In the last year I have visited several others around the LA area that are excellent! They are smaller, more concentrated, showcase only vintage items, easier to park at, and can be thoroughly shopped in a couple of hours.

FLEA MARKETS / California
Pasadena City College  / Pasadena / 1st Sunday every month

Rose Bowl Flea Market  / Pasadena / 2nd Sunday every month

Long Beach Antique Market / Long Beach / 3rd Sunday every month

Torrance Antique Street Faire / Torrance / 4th Sunday every month

Alemany Flea Market  / San Francisco Bay Area / Every Sunday

Alameda Pointe Antiques Fair / San Francisco Bay Area / 1st Sunday every month

ESTATE SALES / Los Angeles area
Vanya’s/Join her email list to be advised of upcoming sales

Hughes Estate Sales/Join the email list to be advised of upcoming sales

THRIFT STORES / Southern California
National Council of Jewish Women Thrift Shops / Los Angeles
UCLA Thrift Shop / Los Angeles (West side)
Revivals / Palm Springs
Alfa Thrift Stores / Santa Barbara

GARAGE SALES / Locate garage and estate sales near you with this great website!
Garage Sale Finder

Flea Market Insider
They feature and help you locate flea markets around the world!
APP for your Iphone /smart phone  – Get it on your phone in the App store – it’s free!


Got a favorite flea market or thrift store in your area? Leave a comment below about it!

Share this post with your treasure hunting friends who live in the LA area or who may be visiting So Cal soon!

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